David Whitcomb's reflections on daily life, readings, viewings, hearings, and feelings, my dreams of things to come, and a hard and good dose of reality.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Does your mom read blogs?

Blogging has taken on new meaning as my mom now reads what I write as well as what folks like Gideon write and many of his links. It is pretty cool to have my mom reading a lot of what I read, claiming she doesn't understand too much, yet her vocabulary is still much larger than my own, as she dominates games like Boggle, and I assume Scrabble.

Mom, you'll probably read this soon, but it would be great to read some of your thoughts on your work as a school teacher over the years, about your time in Haiti and what that makes you think of the current situations, and about your childhood and life in Bradenton. It could be a great way to catalog and remember stories. I know I would like to hear more of your stories, and many times, normal conversations fail to move toward our own personal histories.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David,
Yes, I guess I should do that. I do look forward eagerly to your blogs...and your thinking. I have shared with many people your thoughts upon moving. In fact I have saved it to my computer.
I just recently spent a week with coworkers from Haiti. Many of the ladies are turning 80 this year. One of the missionary kids, Priscilla Stothers brother, stated he felt that these ladies are so healthy because they spent their years in Haiti where there were no packaged foods...and lots of fiber (beans and rice) (smile).
David, you'll have to help me set up a blog..don't know how. It is much easier to write thoughts when the fingers fly than when writing with a pen and paper.
I spent part of an afternoon with Lorise, a cousin of my cousin, who has told me so much about Lacoochee (place of my birth) and surely much of this should be documented.
More later...

7:42 PM


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