David Whitcomb's reflections on daily life, readings, viewings, hearings, and feelings, my dreams of things to come, and a hard and good dose of reality.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Illiberal Education

I have been reading Illiberal Education by Dinesh D'Souza recently. It is an interesting book, especially when you spend a lot of time around a university, thinking about diversity, and conversing around the topic of the necessity of diversity in education. I would like to say I try to read folks who are moderate (not too left or right in thought patterns), but so far, D'Souza comes across on the right side (note, not necessarily the correct side). He identifies problems with current admissions policies and "diverse" attempts at curriculum formation, and seems to call upon the classical education of reading the great books to foster diversity within democracy. Reverse discrimination, especially against people of asian decent is particularly strong in places like UC Berkeley. He paints African American protests as primarily selfish and secondarily idealogical, which he sees as a problem, and I think I do too, although I want to finish the book before I start discerning where truth lies in his writing.

Illiberal Education will make liberals cringe with what seems like an accurate assessment of the problems of quotas, but he hasn't given a good solution yet, so the jury is sill out for me.



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