David Whitcomb's reflections on daily life, readings, viewings, hearings, and feelings, my dreams of things to come, and a hard and good dose of reality.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Also reading

I am also reading Albert Borgmann's Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life.

It is a challenging read and a great perspective of the abuses that technology has created, or on the other side, the absolutely poor self-control that human's have.

His distinctions between "devices" and "things" enlightens every reader, and his linking of technology to commodification and consumerism are powerful. I am barely half way through the book, and it has been amazing.

Also, I am revisiting the final books of the Chronicles of Narnia. I read the Horse and His boy over the weekend, and am currently reading the Magician's Nephew. It's exciting, and Lewis offers amazing bits of challenge to me.

I specifically like the Silver Chair's focus on remembering. Just remember these 4 things, and how quickly they forget! How often are we like that? All we have to do is remember our foundation and the worldview that we claim to be a part of, and our direction is clear. It is when we forget that we find ourselves wandering far from our path, and need the assistance of the divine to return home.


Blogger Gideon Strauss said...

What do you make of Lewis's platonism?

6:08 AM

Blogger David Whitcomb said...

Thanks for the question Gideon. I have primarily been reading the Chronicles for enjoyment, and have chosen to somewhat ignore his platonism in his literature. It is impossible to avoid in his other writings, but while I may disagree categorically with his opinions of universal norms (that he may think are "self-existent") his thoughts often provide a great beginning of conversations in the educational world.

If that is completely avoiding your question, could you clarify a bit? Lewis's platonism in general, in the Chronicles, in J.D.Hunter's refernces to universal morality from Lewis's perspective...?

11:06 AM


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