David Whitcomb's reflections on daily life, readings, viewings, hearings, and feelings, my dreams of things to come, and a hard and good dose of reality.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

A dose of reality, the best courtesy to give someone

Just a thought as I was preparing to go to work this morning. One of the best courtesies you can offer in your own home is to have a plunger available in the bathroom. It saves everyone a little embarrassment. It saves the user of the bathroom the embarrassment of having to admit to the homeowner that the toilet is clogged, and it prevents the owner from having to deal with someone else's excrement.

I have said my peace,



Blogger M. Akamau said...

I've come to you by way of Derek Melleby, and I have to say that this is an important insight! Because, really, how embarrassing is it to ask, "Um...do you have a plunger? Did you wanna pass it into me right quick?" I used to work at a community tech center that had a problematic upstairs toilet. Folks would do big business (let's just keep it real), and then slip out --- real quiet and easy-like, leaving the staff to wonder which one of our students left the mess. There was not a plunger in sight. It just makes good sense to keep one around.

7:09 PM


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